- Change of CampusA student should complete this form to request a change from one campus to another.
- Change of Program FormWhen student no longer desires to be in the program of study they chose when they applied to the college.
- Complaint Form: Discrimination, Harassment, Title IX, and RetaliationThis form provides preliminary information to the college to assist in resolving violations of Lanier Technical College’s Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Policy. Please complete the form to the best of your knowledge. Once you submit this report you may be contacted by the Title IX Director if additional information is needed. Regardless of the nature of ...
- Disability Services Classification and RegistrationUsed by student to disclose a disability by completing a Classification Form, Registration Form, and to provide LTC with medical or psychological evaluation(s) regarding the specific disability.
- Dual Enrollment Change of Application FormThis form is to be completed if a student is currently enrolled or has a current application and would like to change their program of study or request for their application to be processed for a different semester after the desired semester’s application is no longer accessible. Students should consult with their high school counselor, home ...
- General Student Complaint Form with ProceduresStep 1. Informal Procedure: Student has 10 business days from date of incident being grieved to resolve the complaint informally by meeting with the college faculty or staff member directly involved in the incident. If this process does not result in resolution of the grievance, the student may proceed to Step 2 – Formal Procedure. Step 2. Formal ...
- Open Records RequestOpen Records Request – use this form to submit a request.
- Special Populations Classification FormSpecial Populations Classification Form
- Student Code of Conduct Complaint FormPlease fill out the information below for students who you believe have violated the Student Code of Conduct. Be sure to include a description, if this type of behavior has occurred before, what was done in response, if you have discussed with the student, have you attempted to resolve the issue and if you felt ...
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Change of Name, Mailing Address, Phone Number, Email Address