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Dual Enrollment Change of Application Form

    This form is to be completed if a student is currently enrolled or has a current application and would like to change their program of study or request for their application to be processed for a different semester after the desired semester’s application is no longer accessible.

    Students should consult with their high school counselor, home study official, or Dual Enrollment office before making any changes.

    Date of Birth*
    Enter the name of the High School you are currently attending.
    Select the grade level you are currently in.
    I request for my application to be processed for the semester selected below:*
    I request for my application to be processed for the year selected below:*
    Please select the campus below you are interested in attending. If the program you have applied for is not offered at the campus you have indicated, it will be processed for the campus where it is offered. Please check the website for campus availability.*
    Signing below acknowledges the student has verified the form is complete in its entirety and accurately reflects the student’s academic desire while at Lanier Technical College. In addition to the form, the student may need to provide a readiness document indicating they meet the program requirements (i.e. SAT, ACT, PSAT, Accuplacer scores). A change to program of study may result in the need for additional documentation or retesting as admissions requirements vary by program. Notification of the request having been processed is not a guarantee of acceptance. Applications must be completed in time for registration in order to finalize the admissions process.
    Clear Signature
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.