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Adult Ed Student Handbook

    • Philosophy

      Believing that learning is a life-long process, Lanier Technical College Adult Education dedicates itself to recognizing and developing the unique potential of all students. The faculty and staff assist students in the formation of educational goals. Students provided with this “restarting” point who dedicate themselves to a program of study aligned to their needs are able to become more productive citizens.


      Lanier Technical College Adult Education’s vision is to help adults acquire the skills needed for workplace and career prosperity in its seven-county service delivery area through basic literacy instruction, high school equivalency preparation, English as a second language instruction, civics and citizenship programs, financial and digital literacy awareness, and workforce training. Programs and services are designed to provide instruction and academic skills for individual student success in the aforementioned areas, helping them overcome barriers to educational access in order to produce a quality workforce for Georgia’s global marketplace.


      The mission of Lanier Technical College Adult Education is to enable every adult learner in its seven-county service delivery area to acquire the necessary basic literacy, linguistic, academic, civic, digital, financial, and soft skills needed to compete successfully in today’s workplace, strengthen family foundations, and exercise full citizenship in the community.


      1. To provide an educational program for students 16 years of age and older, who are not currently enrolled in a school system.
      2. To publicize the program through creative advertising to the community about available opportunities in adult education.
      3. To project the future needs of current students and the needs of the society where they assume active citizenship responsibilities.
      4. To coordinate adult education efforts with community agencies and organizations in order to meet the needs of the students that are undereducated.
      5. To assist students in developing a career or workplace supportive vision for a productive and self-fulfilling life.
      6. To evaluate and place each student in an educational program according to academic need.

      Class Attendance

      Lanier Technical College’s Adult Education classes are designed for you, the student, to succeed. Your attendance in class is crucial to your success. We offer a variety of class schedules to meet your needs.

      • Students will be required to take an approved standardized assessment test for placement at the appropriate instructional level before enrollment in a class.
      • In collaboration with the instructor, students will be required to determine a workable study schedule. Adult education classes and study options are conveniently scheduled to accommodate those who may have other obligations
      • In order to be successful, students must commit to their classes and study hours, and should discuss ways to make up any missed work with their instructor.
      • Students are expected to obtain at least six hours of study per week, with a total minimum of 12 hours before completing a high school equivalency exam or enrolling in post-secondary education or taking an approved standardized assessment (post-test) after a minimum of 40 hours of instruction.
      • Students are expected to use their time in class to complete their assignments. Those who are not studying will be asked to sign out and leave the building.
      • Students must sign in upon entering the campus/class site and must leave the campus/class site after signing out.

      Access to Full Handbook

      As an integral part of Lanier Technical College, Adult Education abides by the college’s student handbook. Any information in the college’s student handbook will be updated, and supersedes the information contained in this document. For the complete college handbook, including detailed Code of Conduct and disciplinary procedure, student dress code, tobacco policy, acceptable computer use policy, statement of equal opportunity, children on campus, and all associated forms, go to the Lanier Technical College’s handbook archive at and select this year’s “Catalog and Student Handbook”. A summary of these key sections are listed below.

      Code of Conduct

      It is our goal to create a safe and comfortable learning environment. Students are expected to act in a respectful manner which is conducive to learning. Violators are subject to the procedures laid out in the college’s student handbook, linked above.

      1. Intentional obstruction or interruption of teaching is prohibited.
      2. Mental or physical abuse of any person, harassment of any person, and indecent conduct is prohibited.
      3. Theft and damage to property of the college or a member of the college community, including that of campus visitors, is prohibited.
      4. Cell phone usage is not permitted without the consent of the instructor.
      5. Use of profanity, whether verbal, written, or electronic, is prohibited on campus and at college sponsored activities.
      6. The police will be called for any illegal activity, including reckless driving.

      Student Dress Code

      Generally, common sense and good taste should prevail in matters of dress. The following regulations shall be observed to cultivate a proper attitude toward dress and grooming by the student:

      • Shoes are to be worn at all times.
      • Longer knee length types of shorts such as dress shorts, Bermudas, and culottes are acceptable. Short shorts, tight shorts and running/gym shorts are not permitted.
      • Cleanliness of person and clothing is required.
      • Use of offensive, obscene, and/or abusive words or symbols on clothing is not permitted. This includes the use of emblems, insignias, badges, or other symbols or lewd or vulgar words where the effect is offensive to a reasonable person or otherwise causes disruption or interference with the orderly operations of the college. The supervising administrator shall determine if the particular mode of dress results in disruptions or interference. Tank tops, halter tops, tube tops or other top garments defined as skimpy, scooped out at the neck and shoulder, and/or showing excessive amounts of skin area are types of inappropriate dress.

      **For documented medical reasons, the administration is authorized to approve exceptions to the above requirements.

      Tobacco Use Policy

      All campuses of Lanier Technical College are tobacco free. Smoking, using other forms of tobacco products, and electronic cigarettes are prohibited in building, grounds, buildings, grounds, and parking lots. Smoking is permitted inside personal vehicles. Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action.

      Acceptable Computer Use Policy

      Administrative, Library, and Computer Laboratory Workstations

      • No software is to be added to any computer, PC, or network server owned or leased by the College. Do not load personal software or download software from the Internet onto computers. Arrangements for modifications necessary to accommodate special needs students may be made through the Office of Disability Services. Software includes, but is not limited to, any storage media (CD’s, diskettes, tapes, flash drives, etc.) and any Internet access, whether or not files are downloaded.
      • Do not reconfigure screen settings, software, or hardware. Arrangements for modifications necessary to accommodate special needs students may be made through the Office of Disability Services.
      • Computer laboratory workstations that have CD writers installed are to be used for saving students’ files/data only. Any other usage of the CD writers including reproduction of audio or software disks is subject to disciplinary action.
      • Unless directed by the instructor, do not use workstations for activities that use excessive bandwidth such as chat rooms, realtime chats, e-mail chain letters, automated bulk mailing, music, or streaming video.
      • Computer laboratory workstations may be used only as directed by the instructor.

      Students who violate acceptable computer use policies will receive a warning; however, continued failure to comply will result in loss of these privileges and may result in dismissal from college.

      Children on Campus

      • Children are not to be brought to class.
      • Children ages 15 and under are not allowed on campus unless accompanied by an adult.
      • Children should not be left unattended anywhere on any of Lanier Technical College’s campuses, including personal vehicles, in the parking areas, and in the student centers, etc.


      The Technical College System of Georgia and its constituent Technical Colleges do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, gender, religion, disability, age, political affiliation or belief, disabled veteran, veteran of the Vietnam Era or citizenship status, (except in those special circumstances permitted or mandated by law). This nondiscrimination policy encompasses the operation of all education programs and activities including admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other Department and Technical College-administered program, including any Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) Title I financed programs. It also encompasses the employment of personnel and contracting for goods and services. The Department and Technical Colleges shall promote the realization of equal opportunity through a positive, continuing program of specific practices designed to ensure the full realization of equal opportunity.

      Equal Opportunity Institution

      If you need this document in an accessible format, contact (770) 533-7003.

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